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Sunday, February 12, 2006


What, asks brother, about Lugano?

Ah me.

I think I've blocked out a lot of my time in Lugano. Why? Most of my memories of my time out there makes my blood run cold when I review them. So young, so much responsibility, so little care.

We were invincible. Dorm duty - spent gathered in someone's room playing Murder and downing a not inconsiderable amount of beer. Driving minibuses full of other peoples kids up to the Alpine pastures for overnight camping - no one made sure we were good drivers.

What were we thinking. So many accidents waiting to happen, but did we care? Not one jot. When you are young nothing will happen to you.

Its only as you grow older that the 'what if's' creep in, cramp your style and limit your options. Are we better for being cautious? Or should we still be out there, going for it?

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