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Saturday, May 21, 2005

Found It!

Been such a long time since I entered anything on this that I lost the details. Typical. I really should get some system of recording sign-ins, passwords etc for sites I use on the internet - other than the handiest piece of paper in front of me at the time. Said piece of paper usually contains cheats for the latest computer game son is playing at the time, which eventually gets recycled.

Our computer desk is a veritable archeologists dream - excavations on a monthly basis usually yield a wealth of finds! At the moment it is bare - yes totally clear - well almost: from left to right: one floppy disk box with disks inside; one box of cd-r discs; one webcam (these three all stacked up - needed to get the right height for the cam!); three odd floppies; 1 pair speakers; 2 empty glasses; one tube E45; one calculator; one mobile phone; one hairbrush; one jamjar with assorted writing implements; one hole puncher; one dice (die?) and one Hobgoblin beer mat.

Daughter's phone keeps going off on the desk. No money left on it and I refuse to top it up until next month. Conversation overheard in town the other week: Mother (to young son) as her mobile went off - "I can't get a minutes peace - this phone hasn't stopped ringing all morning". She then proceeded to walk off down the street chatting away on the phone and completely ingnoring her boy. I felt strongly tempted to tap her on the shoulder and give her the solution - TURN IT OFF!

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